Tuesday, February 12, 2013

What is Global Competence?

Before I begin I'd like to ask what does being globally competent mean to you? Take a minute to think, don't cheat and skip ahead. Ok.. ready?

To me, being globally competent is being aware of the interconnectedness of today's world. Global competence includes adopting a culturally sensitive attitude and accepting your role as a citizen of the world by looking beyond American borders and learning about current international issues.
A globally competent person should not only be knowledgeable about the world and current events, but also eager to learn more as an active citizen. This type of positive attitude is essential. It is important to challenge stereotypes and enter experiences with an open mind. To always be ready to take on new experiences. Being globally competent includes not only the ability to interact with culturally and linguistically diverse people, but to enjoy doing so. A globally competent person looks at culture as something that is beautiful and unique, and is able to view things from the perspectives of others.  When experiencing other cultures, this person recognizes the differences as well as the similarities between other cultures and themselves, and most importantly appreciates both. 

Being a globally competent individual is very important in today's world. Last year, I started a campus initiative for UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, which educates and advocates for child survival issues. Since the initiative started it has helped a number of my classmates learn about the issues children around the world face each day, and become actively involved in advocating for these children's needs. I hope that more students continue this trend, because I believe being a globally competent individual is not only important in today's world, but necessary to improve the future.

For the future of our nation, it is important for us to be knowledgeable of global topics, and capable of acting as global citizens. Being globally competent helps our nation succeed in the global economy, and helps us contribute to a better world. I believe being globally competent allows us to contribute to solutions of global epidemics. Issues that face other parts of the world, are the same issues we face in the U.S. These may concern human rights, the environment, corruption, etc.  From my work with UNICEF I have not only learned about these shared difficulties, but also about how these epidemics impact the world on a global scale and the impact countries can have in their contributions to solutions.

As college students, being globally competent will be important for our future careers, relationships  and throughout our lives. We all have responsibilities as citizens. I believe it is important to show that you are capable of interacting with others outside of your own culture. This may be demonstrated through learning a language, learning about concerns in the world, staying up-to-date on current events, or volunteering. These types of activities show that you are open-minded, and better prepared to make informed decisions. 

What if you never plan on traveling outside of the U.S.? It is still important to be globally competent! We are a multicultural nation, and being interactive with culturally and linguistically diverse people in today's society is an essential skill. Being globally competent means you can effectively express your ideas, and work with others despite differences. This is a positive attribute to bring into any workplace, and overall, any situation in life. 

While being marketable in the job sphere may seem like the main goal right now for many of us, being globally competent is about more than landing a job. It makes you into a more well-rounded person,  equipped with knowledge and prepared for anything! That is why we, as lifelong learners, should continue to learn about people, countries, world events, culture, traditions, languages and all the many factors that contribute to making our diverse world so beautiful!

Now that I have shared my thoughts on what it means to be globally competent and why it is important in today's society, here are some (unnecessary but included) photos I have taken on my quest to becoming more globally competent through my study abroad experience with CEA! I have entirely too many photos (let's just say my Rome album alone was in the 400's..) but here are some favorites!
